Welkom / Welcome to the website of the Dutch Network!

We are a non-profit Dutch-Canadian Cultural Society based in Greater Vancouver, British Columbia.
We are a lively organization with weekly events for young and old. We are always looking for new activities and initiatives.

Events are organized for Dutch-Canadians so that they can get together to celebrate, enhance and preserve the Dutch heritage, Dutch language and Dutch cultural traditions in BC, such as: monthly pub nights and coffee clubs, annual events which include King’s Day, Sinterklaas and the Easter Egg Hunt. Find an overview of our events below. We look forward to seeing you at our events!
If you are interested in getting involved, please click on the link for volunteers in the link above or write us a message via Contact Us.

Community Announcements

Dutch Connections Radio Show

Dutch Network’s on-air radio show “Dutch Connections”

Connections Radio with Host Harma Volders every Saturday morning from 8 am to 9 am PST. Through the radio show, Harma connects the Dutch-Canadian Community with music and current affairs; showcasing diversity of talent, entrepreneurship, and community leadership. I

There are many ways to listen to our Dutch Connections Radio program:

Listen Live:
1. Radio: Set radio dial to 91.5 FM Connect FM in the greater Vancouver area
2. Computer: Go to the website: www.connectfm.ca
3. Apps: to listen to radio shows on your phone, tablet or PC: look up Connect FM 91.5
Website address: http://www.radio-canada-online.com/connect-fm-915

4. Replays: These will be posted on the Dutch Network website soon but for now they are posted on Facebook and a radio link will be a standard item in the monthly Dutch Network Newsletter, in the Whatsapp group called Dutchies in Van & Beyond or at this website.

Dutch Network Library

The Dutch Network Library is located at the Holland Shopping Centre at 141E Columbia St. New Westminster B.C.
The books in the library have been donated and we hope you enjoy reading them. New books are added on a regular basis.
If you would like to donate books please contact us at dutchinbc(Replace this parenthesis with the @ sign)gmail.com.
Donations are not accepted at the Holland Shopping Centre.
Dutch library

Call for Papers for the Annual Meeting of the
Canadian Association for the Advancement of Netherlandic Studies (CAANS) / May 31 – June 1, 2025

The Canadian Association for the Advancement of Netherlandic Studies is the academic ‘home’ of Canadian (and other) scholars, from a myriad of disciplines, whose research focuses on some aspect of Netherlandic Studies, be it linguistic, literary, historical, political, diasporic, post-colonial, art-historical, etc. This year, our annual conference will take place in person at George Brown College (Toronto) but will also allow for remote participation.

We invite proposals for papers addressing the main theme of this year’s gathering: Reframing togetherness. This theme coincides with the theme chosen by the Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences for Congress 2025, an annual gathering of Canadian academic associations active in the humanities and social sciences. The theme invites scholars to reframe what it means to coexist with other humans, the environment, and technology. For CAANS 2025, scholars are invited to submit proposals focusing on issues of tolerance, coexistence, conflict, and war in the Netherlandic World, and to examine these through a literary, historical, political, sociological, or art-historical lens. Papers addressing related topics such as the climate challenges facing the Netherlandic World, or the impact of generative AI on Dutch Studies will also be considered for inclusion in the conference program.

In addition to proposals focusing on this year’s theme, we also welcome proposals for papers addressing any other topic related to Netherlandic studies, including but not limited to language, literature, culture, history, art and art history, or politics.

Presentations will be 20 minutes plus 10 minutes for questions and discussion and may be delivered in English, French, or Dutch. Papers may be delivered in person or remotely. The online format will be live presentation with live Q&A. Instructions regarding remote delivery will be shared with the presenter upon acceptance of their proposal.

CAANS 2025 will feature literary journalist and author Maria Vlaar as this year’s keynote speaker. Maria Vlaar will examine the status of the short story in the Low Countries, as well as the reception of that literary genre by the reading public in the Netherlands and Flanders.

Please send your title and a short abstract (150-300 words exclusive of any references) BEFORE JANUARY 20, 2025, to:

Dr. Tanja Collet
Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures
University of Windsor
401 Sunset Avenue
Windsor ON N9B 3P4
Email tcollet(Replace this parenthesis with the @ sign)uwindsor.ca

Please send your abstract as an email attachment, formatted in Word or pdf. On a separate page or in the body of the email, please provide the following information:

The title of your paper
Your preference for in person or remote participation
Your name and title
Your affiliation
Your full address
Your telephone number
Your email address
All papers will be considered for inclusion in the conference proceedings published by the Canadian Journal of Netherlandic Studies (CJNS). The guidelines for submission to the conference proceedings will be sent by email to all participants shortly after the conference.

CAANS 2025 will also award one Congress Graduate Merit Award (CGMA), worth $500, to this year’s best graduate student paper.

The conference program will be posted on the CAANS/ACAEN conference website at caans-acaen.ca/caans2025 in March 2025.

For questions contact the program chair:
Tanja Collet
tcollet(Replace this parenthesis with the @ sign)uwindsor.ca

Coffee Clubs Updates

Mission Dutch Coffee Club – CANCELED for December

The New Westminster Coffee Club is looking for a new coordinator. The group had met at the White Spot in New Westminster Royal City Centre Mall on the 3rd Tuesday of each month from 7:30 pm to 9:30 pm. If anyone is interested in restarting and coordinating this group, please contact Adriana Zylmans at azylmans(Replace this parenthesis with the @ sign)telus.net or 604-816-3243.

The Coquitlam Coffee Club is no longer meeting as the group has gotten too small. If anyone is interested in restarting and coordinating this group, please contact Adriana Zylmans at azylmans(Replace this parenthesis with the @ sign)telus.net or 604 816-3243

Vancouver Island Coffee Clubs
There are many people interested in joining a Coffee Club in various locations on Vancouver Island. As there are many Dutch-Canadians living in Nanaimo, Parksville, Chemainus, Comox, Victoria etc. the possibility of having various clubs meet on the Island is certainly possible, but we need coordinators. If anyone is interested in coordinating a group in any location on Vancouver Island, please contact Adriana Zylmans at azylmans(Replace this parenthesis with the @ sign)telus.net or 604 816-3243. The task is not onerous. Select a location, identify a time of day and a day in the week to meet, and the Dutch Network will advertise the event.

View our events calendar for all Coffee Clubs >>>

WhatsApp Groups for Local Dutchies

If you are interested in connecting with others from the Netherlands in your area, WhatsApp groups are available to facilitate networking opportunities. These groups frequently organize social gatherings such as Pub Nights and BBQs and support one another when needed. Additionally, they serve as valuable platforms for sharing relevant information about local Dutch events and activities. Please see below for a list of available groups to join.

Dutchies in Van & Beyond – A group for all members of the Dutch community in British Columbia and the Yukon region. This group is not just a social group. It is also a primary source of information regarding key events within our Dutch community, including Sinterklaas, Koningsdag, and Dutch elections.

NL Group Nanaimo – This group organizes Pub Nights, BBQs, and other get-togethers. Salmon fishing together? They are planning it.

NL Group Victoria – The Dutch individuals residing in Victoria gather monthly for a Pub Night at Spinnakers, and are actively engaging in revitalizing the Dutch community in the area.

NL Group Okanagan – This new group just started. Join this group to find out when the first Pub Night or bike ride will occur.

NL Group Yukon – This new group just started. Join this group to find and socialize with Dutchies in Northern Canada.

Membership in the main group is open to all Dutch individuals. However, residency in the specific area is required to join one of the regional groups. To request membership in these groups, kindly email your contact phone number to info(Replace this parenthesis with the @ sign)dutchnetwork.ca and indicate your current place of residence. We would be pleased to include you in the group.

Morning Nature Walks

Morning Nature Walks ~ meets weekly

DAY/DATE: Every Friday, TIME: 9:30 AM – 11:30 AM

Jeanette van Hattem hosts the Friday Free Nature Walk. She loves the great outdoors, local walks, trails, the forest and dykes. She discovers something new every day and would like to share with people that have the same interest or want to learn about their natural surroundings.

Walks begin at 9:30 am and will be about 2 hours in length, rain or shine. Bring your camera and binoculars.

Please visit Jeanette’s website: thenaturenut.ca/events/ for up-to-date information and meeting points.

Contact Jeanette at 604-818-2515 or jvanfrog(Replace this parenthesis with the @ sign)hotmail.com if you want to join.

Events for week of March 24, 2025

This Week Navigation

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Mon 24th
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Tue 25th
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Wed 26th

Dutch Coffee Club Coquitlam

March 26 @ 10:30 am - 12:00 pm
Thu 27th

Dutch Coffee Club Mission

March 27 @ 6:00 pm - 8:30 pm
Fri 28th

Morning Nature Walks

March 28 @ 9:30 am - 11:30 am

Dutch Pub Night Victoria

March 28 @ 5:00 pm - 10:00 pm

Dutch Pub Night Nanaimo

March 28 @ 7:00 pm - 10:00 pm
Sat 29th

Dutch Connections Radio Show

March 29 @ 8:00 am - 9:00 am
Sun 30th
No Events Today

  • Dutch Coffee Club Coquitlam

    March 26 @ 10:30 am - 12:00 pm
    |Recurring Event (See all)

    An event every week that begins at 10:30 am on Wednesday, repeating indefinitely

    The group meets weekly at Coquitlam Centre Food Court. For more information, please contact Piet Boudewijn at 604-464-3031 or boudewijnpj(Replace this parenthesis with the @ sign)gmail.com

  • Dutch Coffee Club Mission

    March 27 @ 6:00 pm - 8:30 pm
    |Recurring Event (See all)

    An event every month that begins at 6:00 pm on day Fourth of the month, repeating until December 31, 2026

    Every 4th Thursday of the month. Location: White Spot Mission (from Sept to April) and Fraser River Heritage Park (May to August) For more information, please contact Jette Warman, jettew58(Replace this parenthesis with the @ sign)shaw.ca

  • Morning Nature Walks

    March 28 @ 9:30 am - 11:30 am
    |Recurring Event (See all)

    An event every week that begins at 9:30 am on Friday, repeating indefinitely

    MORNING NATURE WALKS Jeanette van Hattem hosts the Friday Free Nature Walk. She loves the great outdoors, local walks, trails and forest and dyke. She discovers something new every day and would like to share with people that have the same interest or want to learn about their na...

  • Dutch Pub Night Victoria

    March 28 @ 5:00 pm - 10:00 pm
    |Recurring Event (See all)

    An event every month that begins at 5:00 pm on day Last of the month, repeating indefinitely

    Monthly fun get-together for “Dutchies” in and around Victoria. BC. Please note – You pay for your own drinks/appetizers ** Of course, it goes without saying Drink Responsibly!

  • Dutch Pub Night Nanaimo

    March 28 @ 7:00 pm - 10:00 pm
    |Recurring Event (See all)

    An event every month that begins at 7:00 pm on day Last of the month, repeating indefinitely

    The Nanaimo Dutch Pub Night is on the last Friday of every Month. The location is Simonholt Restaurant, 6582 Applecross Rd, Nanaimo. Starting time: 7pm.